Upcoming NSCA Tournament
Shoot'n Shiver II
February 22nd
Mon-Tues: By Appt. Only
Wed - Sun: 8am-5pm
Please call, (580) 470 - 5204, to inquire about appointments for early morning and after 5pm
Welcome to Chisholm Trail Sporting Clays, the only Sporting Clays range in southwest Oklahoma. We are located in Duncan, Oklahoma on the southeast corner of beautiful Duncan Lake.
We offer :
Please call 580.470.5204 or 580.467.2884 to set up a shoot time.
Call Kannikar @ 580.470.5204 or 580.467.2884 with additional questions
We will be utilizing scorechaser.com
Non-NSCA Members Welcome!
Please call 580-470-5204 to book 5-stand
walk-in 5 stand not available
Coming from North of Duncan or through Lawton:
Head south on Hwy 81.
Turn east on Plato Road for appx 10.5 miles to Duncan Lake Road (stop sign).
Turn south onto Duncan Lake Road for appx 1.5 miles.
Chisholm Trail Sporting Clays will be located on the east (left) side after the lake.
Coming from South of Duncan:
Head north on Hwy 81 to Hwy 7.
Turn east on Hwy 7 to Eastland (flashing lights).
Turn north (left) on Eastland to the stop sign & turn East (Old Hwy 7 / Bois D'Arc).
Continue on Old Hwy 7 to Duncan Lake Road & turn North (left).
Chisholm Trail will be after the curves on the east (right).
*You can type in Duncan Lake into GPS if you have issues, and we are across the road from the lake!
Text or Call: (580)-512-9774
Email: Sales@chisholmtrailsportingclays.com
Chisholm Trail Sporting Clays
NOTE: If using GPS please type in 'Duncan Lake' and it will bring you straight to us. Our physical address will take you to Marlow.